Basic Premises for the 'Source of Resilience'
In my research project, I was looking at how mythology grows from our connection with the land and nature, and how these mythologies relate to and are informed by a modern anthropological, scientific, philosophical and cultural understanding of the world. The project explores the multifaceted aspects of sustainability through myth and permaculture and nature culture continuum.
In my research the concepts of mythology refers to mythical thinking as a philosophical pattern of thought described by Leszek Kolakowski as 'mythopoeic thought’. This way of thinking allows culture to flourish and form itself at ontological, phenomenological and empirical levels.
At the core of this research idea is a deep ecological and political conviction that what is at fault now in the current sociopolitical environmental crisis is a lack of a meaningful relationship with the natural environment.
During the research project I was artist in residence at Scotswood Community Gardens in Newcastle, (SNCG) and at Abundant Earth, a permaculture farm in County Durham. Guided by my artistic agenda, I actively engaged with the place and its people. I was there to gather images, videos, thoughts and make drawings. Both places are founded on principles of permaculture.
Text by Catharine O'Shea 'Green Thoughts' The Source of Resilience
Review by Annie O’Donnell The Source of Resilience, Sabina Sallis, The Newbridge Project, Newcastle upon Tyne
Poem by Kirsten Luckins How The Revolution Started
More info about the project here:
List of works for the exhibition:
'The Infectious Agent' collage for back-lit transparency, 61×51s cm, print for the sculptural light box.
'Mutually Infected Symbionts' collage for back-lit transparency, 61×51s cm, print for the sculptural light box.
'Haptic Universe' video, 2min video loop (large projection)
'Ephemeral Strategies' collage for back-lit transparency, 40x 51 cm, print for the sculptural light box.
'Prolific Void', partly gilded tree root.
'Hyper-planet' collage for back -lit transparency, 96x 54 cm, print for the sculptural light box.
'Geometric Beings' video, 4min video loop ( small projection, projected on the back of the light box).
Drawings from the series; 'What the garden thinks', ink pen and graphite pencil on paper, 29×42 cm
'Locus of Pleausure', bench by Joe Sallis
'Unfolding Resolution', 2 disc, ink on wood, motors
'The Other We' video (37min video loop)
The film features: Pauline Sallis as the voice over of the Other Profesor Challenger David Gibb - the beekeeper,Kate Dickinson, John, Scotswood Community Garden. Wilf Richard, Beth Curries, Osla, Trevor, Jo, The Abundant Earth Farm