Works and Projects

What the Garden Thinks 2014-2015

Series of drawings, ink pen and graphite pencil on paper. A3
Part of the “Source of Resilience” project and exhibition.

Engaging Wholeheartedly with the Garden Thoughts
Intimate View of Self-Gardener
Semiotic Seed Study
Strategy for Competent Integrity and Energy Bounce
Topological Ethos of Growth
Feathered Dwelling
Mycophilic Culture is Nature
Bodily Sensation of Belonging and Abundance
Intellectual Animal Becoming More (than Human) Space by Transforming its Sensations
Headless Critters of Land-Lines
Practice Diligently with the Omnipresence of the Mind-Eye in Nature
The Vegetative Soul Principle of Existence
Being the Being the Growths and Dies
Hexing Practice
Crystalline Interference of the Ubiquitous Growth
Island of Fertility
Fully Free Embodied Gut Feeling
Weird Abundant Expansion of Thought
What the Growth Desires
Synchronized Semiotic Breathing
Aren’t We All Larval Beings
Bio Resources at Your Bodily Disposal
The Tangle of Abundance or The Black Hole Island
Deep Respiratory Seed-Pleasures
Bio Dynamic Relationship
Entering the Molecules of Reproducing Thought
Yielding Bio Available Sensations of Mutual Fertilisation
Recycling Feelings into Resources in its Proper Place
Creative Repurposing of Pleasure aka Everything Really Gardens for Real