Hapa Zome print with the number of species corresponding to the number of days in Lunar Cycle. This Riotous Species and Canny Brewster is a Hyper-embodied being of belonging to the Land.
(Full and Waning Gibbous in Scorpio)
Drawing with MAGIC and Drawing Down the Moon with assistance of Solar Juice of Mugwort, Angelica Archangelica, French Sorrel, Nettle, Rosemary, Marsh Marigold, Valerian, Fever Few, Wild Garlic, Dandelion, Creeping Marigold, Geranium, Herb Robert, St. John’s Wort, Cardoon, Ox Eye Daisy, Columbine, Comfrey, Viper’s Bugloss, Caper Spurge, Dead Nettle, Forget Me Not, Yarrow, Avens, Toadflax, Sedum, Chard, Bluebells, Lily